Whole School Reviews
Every successful school continually evaluates the work they do and its impact upon outcomes for their children. At Rivera Education Trust, we provide a bespoke whole school review process that is tailored to meet your self-evaluation needs.
Whether you just want a fresh pair of eyes to look at your SEF or development plan; if you need a review of a single subject or aspect of school life; or whether you want an in-depth 'mocksted', our team of SLEs and NLEs can tailor a review to highlight your school's strengths and to unpick the issues that can make progress a challenge.
These reviews are designed with the Headteacher or Chair of Governors, to get to grips with the issues that you want to address, and are conducted in a supportive and reflective atmosphere, designed to enable you to get the best from the experience for your school.
If you would like to know more about how our reviews could support your school, just click on the contact us button at the top of this page and one of our team will get in touch to discuss your requirements.