Members' Board

Jamie Parffrey
Member - Signatory of the Articles 01/09/2015
Business Interests: Owner of Marldon Marquees
23/24 Attendance: 1/1
Jamie joined Oldway Governing Body as a Parent Governor in 2007, during this time his son and daughter attended and have now both left the school. Jamie has been a part of the school governance during many changes. His commitment and enthusiasm to challenge and continually improve standards has been key to his continued interest.
As a Member and Trustee of Riviera Education Trust, Jamie enjoys being able to influence the long term strategic plans for the Trust as well as monitor and support the schools and ensure the standards in each school are exceeded, providing the best opportunities for each and every pupil.
In his time away from school, Jamie runs Marldon Marquees and spends a lot of time rock climbing around Devon.

Laurence Frewin
Member -Appointed by Special Resolution 20/09/2019
Business Interests: Principal of South Devon College
23/24 Attendance: 1/1
Laurence joined South Devon College as Vice Principal Corporate Services in February 2010, bringing a strong background of strategic leadership and management in the private sector and in education.
In 2015 he became Deputy CEO for the College and during the last 10 years he has successfully led professional services at the College, including Business Development, Employer Engagement, Estates & Facilities, Finance, Human Resources, IT, Data & Systems, Commercial Services and Catering & Retail. Laurence has also been instrumental in growing and diversifying College income including successful partnership working and project development to secure bids which have also included in excess of £30m of new capital grants.
Some of his notable achievements at South Devon College have included delivery of the £9m University Centre South Devon; £7m South West Energy Centre, £3m South Devon College Sports Centre; and more recently £17m Hi Tech & Digital Centre. Laurence was instrumental in the College successfully securing achievement of Investors in People Platinum in 2017 and reaccreditation in 2020.
Laurence was appointed Principal & CEO at South Devon College in September 2019 and also holds positions as a Governor, Director or Member of other Boards.
Laurence lives with his family in Brixham and appreciates being able to access both the coast and the countryside locally in his spare time.

Royston Seaward
Member - Appointed by Special Resolution 30/03/2021
Business Interests: None
23/24 Attendance: 0/1
Royston has joined the Trust as he wants to contribute something back to the community that he grew up in, and hopes to support the trust with an external and business eye on how to best deliver education, as well as supporting the independence and governance requirements of RET.
Royston Seaward is a Partner in Deloitte, a professional services firm with more than 26,000 people in the UK, and over 300, 000 globally. Royston is the Leader for the Advertising, Marketing and Commerce offering for Europe, and globally leads the Deloitte Alliance with Adobe. He focuses on advising clients on strategy, helping them make technology choices, and implementing technology that helps clients to exploit digital channels to reach their customers, and has been involved in web and ecommerce platforms for numerous household names.
Royston lives in Torquay with his wife, 2 teenagers, 2 dogs, and 10 chickens. He is a long suffering fan of Torquay United, and has developed 2 new hobbies, fishing and extreme barbequing (but not at the same time).

Will Foulds
Member - Appointed by Special Resolution 01/09/2022
Business Interests: Director at Redstone Risk Ltd
23/24 Attendance: 1/1
Will lives in Torquay with his family. Will is the founder and Director of Redstone Risk Ltd, a risk management consultancy business supporting a range of customers across the UK defence and energy markets.
Part of this role is dealing with Chief Executives and Boards of large businesses, helping them to manage their risk and to provide them with the analysis to make business decisions.
This experience allows Will to bring some additional perspectives to Riviera Education Trust, as most of his experience is from outside of the educational sector.