Riviera Education Trust: Curriculum Intent
The aim of the Riviera Education Trust is to provide opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident and successful learners, with high aspirations and the skills to make a positive contribution to their community.
We provide a curriculum which is enriching and challenging, where children experience the opportunity to learn in a wide range of contexts and experience success regardless of barrier or need.
The curriculum is designed to recognise children’s prior learning; provide first hand learning experiences; allow the children to develop interpersonal skills; build resilience and become creative, critical thinkers. We believe that children learn best when the curriculum has coherence and content is sequenced to support conceptual understanding. We believe practise is important to support deep learning and pupils are given regular opportunities to practise and apply what they know.
The ability to learn is underpinned by the teaching of basic skills, knowledge and concepts. We constantly provide enhancement opportunities to engage learning through visiting experts and external visits. Engagement with our local environment is an essential part of our curriculum and, as schools in sea-side towns, we seek to utilise this local resource whenever appropriate.
We want children to leave schools in our trust with a sense of belonging to a community where they have the confidence and skills to make decisions, self-evaluate, make connections and become lifelong learners.